Frege Moves

Academy of Physical Performance and Dance

Frege Moves is an academy offering specialised training in movement for performance and physical theatre and offers an integrated approach to training the voice and the body that is suitable to individuals and companies from across many fields who wish to develop their overall skills as effective and dynamic communicators.

Frege Moves embraces the training of the individual in an environment that is both creative and playful, yet systematic and structured, so that personal skills are developed with confidence.

Based in Cape Town, South Africa.

Frege Moves is owned and run by Ilona Frege.

Ilona has more than 30 years of experience as a dance and drama educator, movement coach, choreographer, performer, director and theatre and performance researcher.

Clients Include

  • Emerging and professional performance practitioners, such as actors, dancers, directors, dramaturgs, singers, students, and teachers;
  • Learners and students of all ages, studying dance, drama, or choreography, or performing in productions; and
  • Amateurs of all ages, with or without previous formal dance, movement, or performing experience: who would like to learn to dance or to move more expressively for personal enjoyment; and in the private or public sphere who would like to hone overall physical communication skills.


Photo of Ilona on boardwalk with eyes closed: still from video filmed by Carmin Frege Veldsman. All other stills from videos filmed by Ilona Frege. 

Frege Moves 2020-2021 | Web design and creation by Julia de Rosenwerth